Birds singing in the forest in spring in the morning lark blackbird nightingale Birds, as one of the few animals, can very effectively influence a person's mood. It is not without reason that light bird singing is used in fairy tale scenes to emphasize the atmosphere of relaxation, while in horror films the squawking of rooks is used to symbolize lurking evil and danger. These are not just subjective feelings either, because the influence of birds singing on our state of mind has been scientifically confirmed many times and there is no doubt that it puts most of us in a good mood. If you also love it when the singing of a lark wakes you up - this recording is definitely for you! Relax by listening to the singing of Polish birds in the spring in the grove lark blackbird nightingale. In this film you will find: birds singing in the grove birds singing in the forest birds singing Polish birds singing birds singing in the forest birds singing in the morning birds singing in spring Polish birds singing birds singing lark birds singing for children birds singing blackbird birds singing nightingale birds singing parrot birds singing canary