⚡ Do you want to be a successful electrician? Check out my complete training. Click here ???????? https://www.eunaupmotors.com.br/eletr... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are situations in the car's original electrical installation where the use of relays is essential, this also applies to new adaptations such as the installation of auxiliary headlights, horns, among other components that have a higher energy consumption. The most commonly used relay to make these adaptations is the 4-pin auxiliary relay, easily found in auto parts stores and on the internet and available in several brands, such as the DNI0102. This relay has 4 pins 85, 86, 30 and 87, and when pins 85 and 86 receive power, they magnetize an internal coil that puts pins 30 and 87 in contact. These in turn are capable of supporting up to 40 amps of energy consumption while activating the coil consumes less than 0.5 amps. This difference validates the use of the relay because it is possible to use a delicate switch to activate a robust component with a lot of energy consumption. A practical example of the use of the 4-pin auxiliary relay is to activate an auxiliary headlight, as I mentioned before. To do this, simply supply pin 30 of the relay with a positive signal, pin 86 with a negative signal, pin 85 with positive only when the switch is activated. In this way, pin 87 will receive energy from pin 30 when the switch is activated, thus turning on the auxiliary headlight, which will be properly connected to pin 87 of the relay. To activate a component that must remain on for long periods, such as the headlight, we use a switch that remains in the permanently on or off position. However, there are components that only need to be activated for a short period, such as the horn. For this, we use a push-button switch that is only activated when it is being pressed and when it is no longer pressed, it stops activating. This brings us to our second example. It is also possible to use a 4-pin auxiliary relay to activate one or more horns, since these also have a 5-ah consumption similar to a headlight bulb. The relay pins are connected in the same way, but the activation switch is in the push-button style because the horn cannot be activated for many seconds, this would cause it to burn out and make the driver next to you very nervous lol. Therefore, when the button is pressed, the horn will receive the energy sent by pin 87 of the relay and when the button is released, the horn stops working because the energy from pin 87 has also stopped. I hope I have clarified how the 4-pin auxiliary relay works with this illustration in two examples. I will stop here and wait for you with our next topic, thanks. Complete Courses, all in one place! I teach you with the best techniques of today, with my method that has already been tested and approved by more than 2,600 students in Brazil and other countries. The most complete course in Brazil, no bullshit. I know what works in practice in a workshop and I will teach you in a simple and online way, from basic to advanced. You will learn, even if you have no knowledge, until you perform the services just like the best professionals you know. ⚡ Successful Electrician. Click here ???????? https://www.eunaupmotors.com.br/eletr... ???? Car Sound System Installer. Click here ????????https://www.eunaupmotors.com.br/insta... ---------------------- ▶ SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL / upmotorscentrodeforma%c3%a7%c3%a3oautomotiva ---------------------- ????FOLLOW ME ↴ ▶ Facebook: / eunaupmotors ▶ Instagram: / eunaupmotors ▶ Telegram: https://t.me/Eletricista_UpMotors ▶ Website: https://www.eunaupmotors.com.br/