Biography of Beethoven: Deafness that created the most beautiful songs


Deep Podcast

Published on Feb 22, 2023
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Optional support of Deep Podcast: / deeppodcastiran Instagram: / deep.podcast Telegram Channel: Https:// Beethoven Image Designer: Mr. Hadi Karimi Ludwig Fan Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany in 1770. In a family where music was everything. His grandfather known as (Beethoven I) was a prominent Dutch composer. After marriage, he moved to the city of Bonn in Germany and Beethoven's father was born in this city. Johann van Beethoven was a master musician and singer. Beethoven's father married a woman of Slavic descent named (Maria Magdalena Kurish). The result of this marriage was seven children, only three of them survived. One of these children was Ludwig van Beethoven. Beethoven's musical talent was discovered at an early age and his father realized that this child had a strong interest in learning music. Just like Mozart, Beethoven started playing the piano at a young age. His father also takes Beethoven with him to different gatherings to perform for others. Although these works were more of a promotional aspect and Beethoven did not enjoy doing such things, his father stopped doing this after a while. In 1779, a famous composer (Christian Gottlob Niffe) arrived in Bonn. Beethoven decided to become a student of this great master. In addition to teaching composition and organ, Nifeh pushed Beethoven towards public performances. From the very beginning of his composition, it was clear that the young Ludwig intended to develop the Viennese style of music that had been shaped by Mozart and Haydn. Beethoven showed so much talent that Nife hired this young man as an assistant organist in the court orchestra. Beethoven's mother died at the age of seventeen. The death of the mother had a deep impact on the spirit of the young composer. Historians believe that his mother's death was part of Beethoven's depression. Beethoven was invited to churches and important religious ceremonies and started to play. During this period, he was influenced by Mozart's works more than any other time, and at the same time, he got acquainted with the works of (Johann Sebastian Bach) through his teacher. Beethoven had gone beyond the church and sometimes went to famous people's houses. He was supposed to go to Mozart at the age of seventeen and become Mozart's private student, but this did not happen due to the death of his mother. When the mother passed away, Beethoven's father did not accept any responsibility and retired after a while. Beethoven's father had turned to Migsari and did not pay attention to Beethoven's two younger brothers. Beethoven took care of his two younger brothers when he was still a teenager. . Beethoven went to Vienna and began to learn "the arrangement of tails and the pairing of sounds" in the presence of the great Austrian composer, Joseph Haydn. But Beethoven was not at all satisfied with Haydn's education, but their friendship continued until 1809, that is, until Haydn's death. It is true that he was not satisfied with the way Hayden was taught, but Hayden introduced Beethoven to great people, and these relationships greatly influenced Beethoven's future. Beethoven received a pension from Bonn authorities to raise his brothers, but after a while this pension was cut off. Beethoven didn't need this money because he went to the houses of rich people in Vienna and taught piano to their children, in addition to that, he appeared at the private events of the nobles and played music and earned a very high income. After some time, he brought his two younger brothers to him because his living conditions had improved in Vienna. In Vienna, Beethoven mostly participated in private events, but he also gave his first concert in Vienna and met with enthusiastic reception from Viennese fans. In 1799, he decided to start composing a symphony. Beethoven's Symphony No. 1 was given a public performance in 1800 in a concert and received much attention. Beethoven was very fond of long walks, especially in rural areas, after the death of his mother, the number and time of these walks increased. Even though he was in a good situation in Vienna during this time and he moved around a lot for various events, but there was not much change in his life. He wrote his songs in the mornings and went for long walks in the afternoons. It was in 1800 AD that Beethoven's hearing began to decline. In a letter in 1801, he described his hearing problem to one of his friends. Based on the historical writings that explain the condition of Beethoven's deafness, modern doctors believe that Beethoven's deafness could be treated with modern science and it was not a big problem. Be that as it may, Beethoven suffered from psychological and mental problems and his condition was getting worse every day. His behavior with his brothers was not defined. Later, he apologized to his brothers in an offi

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