Welcome to the internet's pocest podcast!!!! In today's episode, we'll welcome Bianca Andrade, better known as Boca Rosa. She was one of the pioneers in content creation for the internet. Influencer, businesswoman, Youtuber, makeup artist, mother, ex BBB and much more. You've already seen that today there's going to be a lot of talk, right? Guest: ???? Bianca Andrade - @bianca ---------------------------- Hosted by: ????️ Rafael Uccman - @rafaeluccman ????️ Lucas Guedez - @lucasguedez --------------------------- ???? Watch more videos like this one here: / @poccastofc ✂️ Follow our Official Corte Channel: / @cortespoccastoficial --------------------------- Have you followed us on Instagram? No? So, hurry up and follow @poccast and be the first to know about the news and the week's schedule.