#bettaaquarium #bettafish #Bioacuatixz Hello, here I share with you very important information, if you are thinking of adopting a betta fish you should know that they require specific parameters so that they can last the average lifespan that the species promises, remember that they totally depend on us and therefore we must pay attention to them and be responsible with their good care, this will guarantee that they have an excellent quality of life all the time that we have them under our care and they will kindly thank us. If you have specific questions, you can leave us your query via WhatsApp. I also invite you to visit us on our social networks and follow us as well as leave us a like. Do not leave without first leaving us a comment and a like on this video so that in the next video we will give you a greeting. Contact and social networks: Facebook page: / alexpadillarobledobioacuatixzofc Facebook group: / 695635957299853 Instagram: @bioacuatixz WhatsApp: +52 722 15 15046 Monday to Friday from 9AM to 8PM. Sales site Mercado Libre: https://babioacuatixztiendaoficial.me... I also invite you to follow our friends here on YouTube: / @acuariombr / acuafish / acuapeces / @acuariototal4420 / aquahobbycancun / @acuariozacatecas769 / @aquablue4k / @aquarc / criaderodeguppybyjosuemendez / bettaszero / davearagon / aquariumofciclix / @lobsterlab331 / @osoreef / @elblogdelospeces5093 / @tucompamark / historiasdeunacuarista / gangreefsider / aquablogasd / thefishertank / payasopercula / channel / @lalagunamarinadejavo