This youth romantic comedy is a live-action adaptation of the bestselling comic by Koda Momoko. An overconfident girl who thinks she is the right person for the man she loves stirs up all sorts of trouble. Directed by Hanabusa Tsutomu (Sadako 3D series, etc.). Kiritani Mirei (Josie's), plays the heroine, while Yamazaki Kento (L.D.K., etc.) and Sakaguchi Kentaro (Oku no Isshou) give brilliant performances as the boys who end up in a love triangle with her. Not only is this heart-pounding story a must-see, but so is Kiritani's comedic side, from making funny faces to shaving her head. (C) 2015 "Heroine Disqualified" Film Production Committee (C) Koda Momoko/Shueisha Film information: http://www.cinematoday.jp/movie/T0019855 Official website: http://wwws.warnerbros.co.jp/heroine-... Distributor: Warner Bros. Pictures