Wash and take the series "Garganzani" with a teaser dedicated to the cast of "Garganzani". Share the teaser on your Instagram pages so that it reaches them. Please watch the video and subscribe to the channel, and if you liked the video, introduce it to your friends ************************************************************************************* I am Ali Delgoshaei, a writer and cinema director. All I do is to watch good films and remain in love with cinema. Cinema is a factory that creates humanity. Link to support the film Zoom https://www.coffeebede.com/filmzoom *************************************************************************** Subscribe to the channel from this link. / @filmzooom . You can subscribe to the second channel from the link below / @darkzoom666 ******************************************************************************** Playlist Wash and Go • Wash and Go Playlist Loser • Loser Playlist World Cinema • World Cinema Playlist Talk to Cinema Professionals (Talkzoom) • TALKZOOM Playlist Beheading • Beheading Playlist TOP10 • top 10 *************************************************************************************