With this recipe, any type of beef will be soft, sweet and not tough. This salad is really delicious in hot weather. The beef is soft, sweet, and flavorful, the vegetables are crispy with a variety of flavors combined. Let's cook with me #cook #food #monngon #cooking #monngonmoingay #bepnhagiang Ingredients: 300g beef fillet, 1 green xoi, 2 sour star fruit, 2 green bananas, 2 chili peppers, 20g peanuts, 20g perilla, 1 onion, 20g shallots, 20g garlic, 3 lemons Seasoning: 1 tablespoon seasoning powder, 4 tablespoons sugar, salt, pepper, 4 tablespoons fish sauce, © Copyright of this video belongs to Origin Media SJC © The copyright of this video belongs to Origin Media SJC