What is the bus trip from Brasília to Campo Grande like with Total? A trip with an average duration of 19 hours, on a sleeper bus! Let's get to know how Viação Total operates on this route, on one of the company's longest lines. Attention information about the trip: Line: BRASÍLIA X CAMPO GRANDE Duration: 19 Hours Ticket: R$ 230 Estimated arrival: 7:00 pm Time: Executive/sleeper SECTIONS: ANÁPOLIS (GO) GOIÂNIA (GO) RIO VERDE (GO) JATAÍ (GO) CHAPADÃO DO SUL (MS) CAMAPUÃ (MS) BANDEIRANTES (MS) Thank you very much for watching! Like, subscribe and share. Pix: [email protected] Instagram: ofocanaviagem Thank you very much in advance. #BusTrip #ViaçãoMotta #GiroCentroOeste