????⚪️???? [RECRUITMENT] Opening of the Gendarmerie OFFICER competitions! ???? ???? It is possible to register now for the various competitions to join the ranks of the Gendarmerie as an officer. Become the manager of tomorrow - the expert in security issues! ???? Whether you have a scientific, legal or administrative profile, you will definitely find your way among all our competitions offered! Order of August 6, 2019 relating to recruitment competitions for gendarmerie officers https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/loda/i... DATES & RECRUITMENT ➡ SCIENTIFIC PROFILE ???? Recruitment based on qualifications (OGT) ???? Recruitment based on competition (OG SCI) ➡ LEGAL PROFILE ???? Recruitment based on competition (OG Univ) ➡ ADMINISTRATIVE PROFILE ???? Recruitment based on qualifications (OGT) ???? REMEMBER: REGISTRATIONS FROM SEPTEMBER 6 TO JANUARY 10! ???? REGISTRATION CONDITIONS: ➡️ Be of French nationality; ➡️ Be 27 years old at most on January 1 of the year of the competition; ➡️ Hold a diploma or title conferring the grade of master or approved diploma/title level I registered RNCP; ➡️ Have completed the JAPD or the JDC or have satisfied the obligations of national service; ➡️ Not have already presented more than three times; ➡️ Be physically fit. ???? Information and registration on our website www.lagendarmerierecrute.fr And to contact us ???????? ???????????? [email protected] ???? 01 85 56 25 53 / 25 54 ???? ©️ défense.gouv.fr #oguniv #ogsci #ogtitres #octatitres #osceencadrement #ogcata #ogsd #octasdcatb #ogoa #ograng #octarang #officers #officer #registration #registrations #competitions #gendarme #gendarmes #gendarmerie #gendarmerienationale #multipleprofiles #young #recruitment #cir #CIR #paris