Do you need a sight or thermal imager for hunting? Come to us - we will help! Our phone number is 88007756313. Our website is http://rikasale.ru It is no secret that the beaver has long been not just a classic representative of the middle zone, but rather a pest! All the rivers that could previously be safely passed by kayak or small boat are now blocked by dams every 200-300 meters. And if earlier hunters hunted this aquatic inhabitant with great desire, after which they handed over the skins and earned money, now the craft has gone, and with it the hunting skill of the younger generation has gone. Igor Krol tried to tell in the video in as much detail as possible about how to properly hunt a beaver, as well as what can be done with the meat after harvesting! Enjoy watching! Hunting club Rika NV (for members discounts on our devices): https://t.me/clubRiKA VKontakte group: https://vk.com/pulsarguru Instagram: / rikasale.ru Yandex.Zen: https://dzen.ru/rikanightvision RuTube: https://rutube.ru/channel/24527172/vi... Igor Krol YouTube @IgorKrol1961 website http://krol.spb.su/index.htm