Beauties in Capri Comedy Full Movie in Italian Director: Adelchi Bianchi Screenplay: Mario Amendola, Nando Bruno, Luigi Capuano Stars: Nando Bruno, Ave Ninchi, Anna Bianchi (1951) There is no love lost between Don Camillo, a priest with progressive ideas, and Don Violante, a rather old-fashioned priest. The rivalry between the two is heightened by a young organist. Film&Clips Bianco e Nero is a free channel of black and white cinema! Subscribe to the #YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/FilmClipsBiancoeNeroIsc... The history of Italian and international cinema, with black and white masterpieces and the most iconic interpreters of the big screen of the past! Films of all genres that have contributed to the greatness of cinema through a modality, that of black and white, which enhances the great masterpieces of the past. Enjoy the show on Film&Clips Bianco e Nero, the channel that pays homage to the origins of the seventh art! #FullMovie #blackandwhite #italian