Battlefields - Part 8: Kenyérmező, October 13, 1479. After the loss of the castle of Szabács, the angry Turkish army turned against Transylvania. They robbed and plundered, and thousands of the inhabitants were driven into slavery. Pál Kinizsi and Báthory, the voivode of Transylvania, set out with their armies after the Turks and caught up with the Turkish army at Kenyérmező. This is where the battle took place. The battle was the most significant victory up to that time over the raiding Turks attacking Hungary, who after their defeat did not attempt an invasion similar to that of 1479. The great battles of Hungarian history are brought to life with the help of animation technology. The most important battles of Hungarian history from the time of the Conquest are processed. Expert historian: Tamás Baltavári. Media Partners Hungary series http://www.mediapartners.hu Click here to subscribe: / @csataterek-tortenelmi_filmek Follow us on Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/1139326...