group TURONGGO KEKAL BUDOYO grumbul Kalisalak village lumbir RT 07 RW 06 lumbir district Banyumas regency central java province postal code 53177 INDONESIA live kalisalak, LUMBIR, BANYUMAS . phone 081575559175-081341248868 sound by DUA PUTRI pro audio JANTURAN THRUST one of the traditional arts of the cultural heritage of the ancestors of the Javanese people; kuda lumping, jaranan, jaran kepang, Jathilan, ebeg, or kuda kepang is still a favorite entertainment for the people, both in their area of origin and other areas in Indonesia. which is a characteristic, and also raised in the song, the most interesting and awaited attraction in the art of kuda lumping is possession. possession itself can occur unintentionally, namely when a spirit who feels disturbed by its existence rebels and enters the human body. myths that develop in society, this trance or possession usually occurs because of or because of disturbing a place such as; trees, rocks, or others where the place has residents, namely jinns and their kind. However, it is different from the trance that occurs in the art of kuda lumping. trance in this art occurs intentionally and by the will of the human being himself. when the kuda lumping, jaranan, jaran kepang, Jathilan, ebeg, or kuda kepang players are still possessed because the handler orders the jinns to enter their bodies. In the case of this kuda lumping, the trance is intentional because it is indeed working together with the jinns and aims to be a spectacle, so that the jathil players who have lost consciousness are able to do things that seem extraordinary to a human. with certain mantras and offerings that have been agreed upon with the jinns, the handler is able to control the jinn army to enter the bodies of the kuda lumping players. Apart from being possessed or possessed, when the kuda lumping performers do unique things beyond human capabilities, this is part of the depiction of the magical powers and might of the cavalry or horse soldiers in ancient times. === PLAYLIST === √ possessed girl • POSSESSED GIRL ✓vlog • Vlog ✓ lumping horse songs • lumping horse songs ✓ barongan action • Barongan action ✓ SINTREN • SINTREN ✓ BANYUMASAN GENDING FULL ALBUM • BANYUMASAN GENDING FULL ALBUM ✓ THRUSTED JANTURAN • THRUSTED JANTURAN ✓ BANYUMASAN CALUNG https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLq... ✓ LEATHER WAYANG • LEATHER WAYANG full album banyumasan full album banyumasan Gending songs banyumasan Gending ebeg songs lumping horse songs kepang horse songs jaran kepang jaranan songs full songs ebeg banyumasan full song ebeg kebumen ebeg Wijaya sari ebeg kebumen horse braid, ebeg, ebeg banyumasan, ebeg east java, Turonggo Budoyo, timbul Budoyo, sekar Arum Sari, Sri lestari, jaran kepang art, full album of horse braid songs, horse braid music, mp3 jaranan songs, mp3 horse braid songs, latest campursari songs 2022, ebeg banyumasan full album, jaranan campursari, jaranan Nusantara, campursari songs jaranan version, latest keroncong songs 2022, latest keroncong songs, banyumasan songs, eling-eling songs, Gondosuli dance, Lengger Wonosobo mask dance, Wonosobo lumping horse, Wonosobo braid horse, ebeg Wonosobo, jaranan kepang Wonosobo, mask dance, eling eling dance, dance Gondosuli, Lengger Wonosobo mask dance, Gondosuli mask dance, Genggong cricket dance, Banyumasan songs, Manyar Sewu songs, Sulasih songs, Sulasih Sulando songs, Sewandono, horses, horse horses, jaran kepang art, jarkep art, the latest Purworejo jarkep, the latest Purworejo horse braids, full album Gending Lengger #fullalbumhorsekepang songs, #ebeg songs, #banyumasan songs, #jowo gending, #horsekepang art, #jarkep song collection, #ebeg song collection, #kudalumping song collection, #jarankepang song collection, #fullalbumhorselumping songs, #fullalbumbanyumasanebeg, #fullalbumbanyumasan, #banyumasan song collection, #banyumasanebeg songs, #bendrongkulon songs, #kum pulanangklungwonosobo, #fullalbumangklungwonosobo, #angklungjogja, #angklungjokjakarta, #fullalbumangklungjogja, #fulllaguangklungcampursarijogja, #gendingjowo, #p angkur, #nyidamsari, #ayunayunan, #wuyung, #suweorajamu, #kuda_lumping, #jathilan, #jaranan, #jarananndadi, #ronggeng, #ebegbanyumasanwuru, #jarankepangcewe, #ebegcewe, #kuda_lumping #jaranan #Jathilan #possessed #jarananndadi #possessed #ebegbanyumasanwuru #ciaruswangon #randegan #wangon #ebegwangon #kudalumpingwangon #ebegwahyucakrabudayajetakparungkamalumbir #kudalumpingwangon #janturan #kudalumpinglumbir #ebegwangon #lumbir