A new MasterTest brand Matrix Romania, which aims to identify the efficiency of the Tape or the Spin in feeder fishing mounts - Season 1 - Summer Matrix Fishing TV is the place where you can find a huge collection of video materials about stationary and competitive fishing . A vast library of videos and films from The Challenge with Bogdan Vuculescu and Matrix Mini Masterclass with Cristian Gabriel, Andrei Ghioghiu and the rest of the Matrix team. On Matrix Fishing TV we bring you the latest product videos and free competition fishing media. At Matrix we pride ourselves on the quality of the fishing tackle we produce for both competitive and recreational anglers. Our product videos and tips will give you new insights into how to choose the right rod, rod or reel. What is the best modular seat for your style of fishing. What lines and hooks are recommended for feeder or rod fishing, and what is the best pellet waggler to use in certain specific conditions. The goal of the Matrix team is to help you catch as many fish as possible. We hope you enjoy our videos and if you like them we would love for you to share them with other anglers. Also, don't forget to leave us your comments. All our products can be found at: www.fishmatrix.co.uk Follow us on: Instagram : / matrix_fishing Facebook: / fishmatrixromana #pescuit #pescuitlafeeder #feeder