The restaurant "Schaukelpferd" in the Berlin district of Wilhelmsruh has been taken over by the tenant Sabine (51). The employees do what they want and her own son Adrian (19) does what he wants. Her partner Silvio is the head chef, but is just as unable to assert himself. The result: The quality varies, guests stay away and the atmosphere is tense. Time for the cooking professionals Andi Schweiger, Ole Plogstedt and Frank Oehler to get the "Schaukelpferd" up and running! First broadcast: May 9, 2013 You can watch the complete episode of the cooking professionals on TVNOW here: https://www.tvnow.de/shows/die-kochpr... Subscribe to our channel: / @diekochprofis To the website: https://www.rtl2.de/sendungen/die-koc... Complete episodes on TVNOW: https://www.tvnow.de/shows/die-kochpr...