Hey guys! Did you think it was going to be just another episode of DPA? Well, you're in for a lot more! Have you ever imagined what it would be like for all generations of detectives to meet inside the Clubhouse? So get ready because our Tom, Capim, Mila, Bento, Pippo, Sol, Max, Flor and Zeca are Back to the Clubhouse! ????????❤️???? #DetetivesDoPrédioAzul #DPA #DeVoltaAoClubinho BACK TO THE CLUBHOUSE DPA Mundo Gloob Here you'll be able to see a little bit of everything that happens in my world and have fun with the characters. Let's go? Subscribe to my channel: /mundogloob Watch Gloob on Globoplay: https://globoplay.globo.com/canais/gl... Many free games available for Android and iOS on Gloob Games: https://gloobgames.page.link/GfBB Instagram: /mundogloob TikTok: /mundogloob