Tahajud prayer is a sunnah worship that is highly recommended in Islam, especially for those who want to get blessings in life, erase sins, and ask for the granting of wishes from Allah SWT. Tahajud prayer is performed in the last third of the night, a very noble time where Allah SWT descends to the world's sky and draws closer to His servants who pray and ask for forgiveness. In tahajud prayer, there are various prayers and dhikr that can be read to ask Allah so that all our wishes in life are granted. Watch the video until it's finished #nsborchannel #dhikraftertahajud #sholattahajud ============================= Video Playlist ISLAMIC NASEHAT: • ISLAMIC NASEHAT Video Playlist MUSTAJAB PRAYER PRAYERS: • MUSTAJAB PRAYER PRACTICES ============================= HELP SUPPORT ALSO SUBSCRIBE THIS CHANNEL: / @lampupedia109 dhikr after tahajud, tahajud, prayer, 6 most powerful dhikr, side of life, 2 rakaat tahajud prayer, correct tahajud prayer, what dhikr after tahajud prayer, tahajud prayer, tahajud prayer, 4 rakaat tahajud prayer