Ingredients: 2 cups of fine bulgur 2 cups of bulgur 3 cups of medium wheat semolina 3 cups minus a quarter of warm water Dough spices: cumin black pepper salt coriander very finely chopped onion with a quarter cup of water or as needed for the dough 1 kilo of meat Meat spices: black pepper smoked red pepper salt ginger cumin curry parsley pomegranate molasses Ingredients Broth (soup): Swiss chard leaves eggplant 🍆 onion Spices: salt black pepper tablespoon pepper molasses tablespoon tomato molasses Maggi spices ½ teaspoon cumin curry Description: The original Kibbeh-Teig 😍 without the machine or other ingredients to easily extract four pieces of art and the art, take them out: Fine Bulgur (2) Jarish-Bechers (2) Half a cup of water Read more, and then the phone warms you to leave the house: the whole house is full of heat and the heat is on the outside of the house (4) There are a kilo of meat on the ground and the whole house is closed z Ingwer Kreuzkümmel Curry Petersilie Granatapfelmelasse Zutaten für die Bruhe (Suppe): Mangoldblätter Aubergine 🍆 Zwiebel Gewürze: Salz schwarzem Pfeffer Ein Esslöffel Pfeffermelasse Ein Esslöffel Tomatenmark Magische Gewürze In halber Teelöffel Kreuzkümmel Cur ry Instagram: @Rmzeyas_kueche TikTok: @Rmzeyas Küche Facebook: @Rmzeyas Küche