Learn how to make the winning recipe from the Super Mega Burger contest by Arison Danziger Darróz Siqueira. Visit our online store https://goo.gl/6F3K4p Subscribe to our channel https://goo.gl/qcwMw0 Follow our page on Facebook https://goo.gl/VLmikH Our website http://www.churrasqueadas.com.br Soundtrack: / danielviola Picanha, fraldinha, alcatra, bife do ladoo, ribeye, kebab, skewers, it doesn't matter. A good barbecue is always synonymous with good times with our friends and family. But, contrary to what many people think, preparing a barbecue goes far beyond seasoning the meat with coarse salt, making skewers or interspersing the skewer with pieces of onion. Hosted by José Almiro de Morais, the Churrasqueadas channel brings recipes, preparation tips and curiosities about this national passion that is barbecue every week.