Hello everyone! Today we have prepared for you the long-awaited video on repairing an automatic transmission (AT) on a Nissan Almera. We will tell you in detail and show you the entire repair process from start to finish. Don't miss it! Soundtrack: https://vk.com/feelcrunk?w=wall436883... Ildar on VK: https://vk.com/cars_podbor Ildar on INSTAGRAM: / ildar_autopodbor Ildar on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AutoPodborRF... Ildar on DRIVE2: https://www.drive2.ru/o/Auto-PodborRF Moscow: +7 (495) 133-29-05; 8 (800) 555-25-74 Saint Petersburg: +7 (812) 425-62-20 Nizhny Novgorod: +7 (831) 235-12-92 Krasnodar: +7 (861) 204-17-37 Tula: +7 (4872) 44-04-78 Kazan: +7 (843) 207-29-27 Yekaterinburg: +7 (343) 247-20-07 Rostov-on-Don: +7 (863) 322-60-20 Samara: +7 (846) 229-59-87 Voronezh: +7 (473) 200-04-96 Novosibirsk: +7 (383) 312-29-69 Vladivostok: +7 (800) 555-25-74 Reviews of the best cars in your budget: • Playlist Scams and fraud when buying: • Scams and fraud in the auto industry. Our address in Moscow: Dukhovskoy per., 14, 1st floor Our website: https://podbor.org/?utm_source=youtub... We work from 9:00 to 21:00. Seven days a week. Free consultations! Contact us!