Autism affects one in every 68 American children, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States. It generally sets in during the first three years of life and has complex causes, which also involve genetics. Understanding autism is a challenge for researchers, and one path in search of answers is studying the brain. That's what Patricia Beltrão Braga and Fabiele Russo, from the Institute of Biomedical Sciences - USP / (ICB-USP), did. Using stem cells taken from baby teeth, the scientists produced brain cells in the laboratory and discovered an unprecedented relationship between neurons from people with autism and another very common type of cell: astrocytes. The following video tells all about it. The article, published in Biological Psychiatry, is this one: https://goo.gl/Mm8yk1 In this video, Patrícia Reporting: Fabiana Mariz, Vitor Brandão Editing: Alan Petrillo, Fabiana Mariz and Tabita Said