Hello, this is WediC 🥰 In this video, I'm going to introduce some must-see tips before the main ceremony🧡 I also included some great tips that I actually experienced while filming! Check out the timeline below and only check the parts you need :) 💍TIMELINE 00:00 Intro 00:26 First, don't be swayed by hair and makeup 01:54 Second, never eat this on the day of the main ceremony! 02:19 Third, check your family's outfits 03:07 Fourth, 3 things to be careful of during concept photoshoot 04:46 Fifth, tips when greeting the bride and groom in the waiting room 05:49 Sixth, this behavior when the bride and groom enter the aisle 08:10 Seventh, if you do this during the wedding vows, the pictures won't turn out well 08:36 Eighth, how long should the officiant's speech and well-wishes be? 09:02 Ninth, how long should the ceremony video be? 09:28 Tenth, what is the appropriate marching speed? 09:58 Eleventh, how should I throw the bouquet? 10:37 What to prepare for the main ceremony day 11:37 A complete list of things to check upon arrival at the ceremony hall on the day of the main ceremony! 💌 For inquiries regarding Weddy C appearances/collaborations, contact [email protected] #MainCeremonyChecklist #PreparingTheDayBeforeMainCeremony #WhatToPrepareOnTheDayOfMainCeremony #SummaryOfPreparations