Hi, I'm Anna. In the second episode, I invited Roberta and Béla to the studio. Both of them are passionate about environmental and animal protection. At the same time, they fight for the issues that are important to them with very different means. But they know nothing about this or about each other. This is their first time meeting. Will they sit down at the same table? And, if so, how will the conversation go? Instagram: / égyasztalnal Facebook: / égyasztalnal TikTok: / égyasztalnal Listen to our extra podcast explaining the topic: https://open.spotify.com/show/1VbjvCB... Sources used: Hugo and Ross @theturnertwiins / theturnertwiins Slaughterhouse. Secrets of the meat industry. // Documentary • Slaughterhouse. What the meat industr... Vegan diet costs https://www.greenqueen.com.hk/eating-... https://www.insure4sport.co.uk/blog/o... Meat carbon dioxide emissions https://www.nature.com/articles/s4159... This is the Egy asztalnál YouTube channel, where every two weeks a new topic and a new couple come to the studio. And it turns out that the two opposites shout, go for a lap or listen to each other's opinions? Was what this week's couple talked about exciting? In the Egy asztalnál EXTRA podcast, every week following the YouTube episode, we dissect the topics of the weekly opposition a little further, react to the YouTube episode, and look for new expert perspectives. We also talk about how to debate well. You can listen to the 2nd episode related to the vegan-hunter topic from March 3rd! Thank you to our supporters for allowing us to create freely! Vodafone - https://www.vodafone.hu/ Decathlon - https://www.decathlon.hu/ The crew's hunger was quenched during the filming by the incredible meals of the Ropogó restaurant. This is the restaurant where vegans and carnivores can eat at the same table. Check it out, it's really rough: https://www.ropogo.hu/ https://streetkitchen.hu/green-kitche... ROCOGÓ MÚZEUM 1053 Budapest, Múzeum krt. 41. ROPOGÓ PREMIER OUTLET 2051 Biatorbágy, Budaörsi út 4. We can thank Studio Sphere for the filming location: https://studiosphere.hu/ Produced by: editor-in-chief: Anna Márky director-producer-editor: Máté Gabnay stage manager: Jorgosz Babaitisz responsible editor: Dorka Molnár editors-casting: Lili Kovácsovics, Adél Szirtes, Irma Török-Ujhelyi assistant editor: Boldizsár Forró chief cameraman: Máté Babay production designer: Rebeka Artim image: Máté Gabnay cameramen: György Láng, Norbert Németh, Dániel Endre Tóth 1AC: Endre Papp sound engineer: Csaba Tóth stream: Krisztián Várallyai, Zoltán Mandácskó makeup-hair: Adrián Nagy music: D.Koms photo: Bálint Szajki work video: Marosi Marci social: Blanka Bencze assistant: András Tasi production manager-PR: Tímea Varga supervisor: György Koós special thanks: to the actors and their families One Table was inspired by the Heineken Worlds Apart “Open your world” campaign and the WDR 1LIVE series Ausgepackt. made with love by Kráss Kontent Instagram: / krasskontent