Welcome to our service in the Mittendrin church in Kaiserslautern! ▶️ Service every Sunday at 10 a.m. on site and via our livestream. ▶️ Would you like to get in touch with us? Don't hesitate to write to us at [email protected]. We would be happy to talk to you! ▶️ Are you young and would you like to have fellowship with young people who are enthusiastic about the Lord? Find out more and rejoice with us: https://k-mittendrin.church.tools/pub... ▶️ Would you like to be with like-minded people? Then join the small group that suits you best: https://k-mittendrin.de/kleingruppen-... ▶️ Website: https://k-mittendrin.de/ ▶️ Donate Would you like to support the work of God and thus be a channel of blessing for the souls who are touched and changed by this service? Here is the information: IBAN: DE50 5405 0220 0000 9618 54 Kirche Mittendrin Kreissparkasse Kaiserslautern