BYPASS THE TRAFFIC JAMMING AT ANY COST! A mountain that not everyone can conquer! The traffic jam in Nizhny Novgorod continues... The mountain after the rain is waiting for its new conquerors! ___________________________________________________________________________ Channel CRAZY MECHANICS: / @bezumnye_mehaniki ___________________________________________________________________________ OUR SECOND CHANNEL: / @KOMERSNN The first video from this mountain: • WHY DO PEOPLE CRUSH THEIR CARS? Ob... The second video from the mountain: • IS IT WORTH RISKING YOUR CAR? People o... VIDEO FROM ZAZ: • We bought the USSR LEGEND ZAZ 968M! Will be able to ... ___________________________________________________________________________ Instagram: / gorbunoff_tv Yandex Zen: https://zen.yandex.ru/gorbunoff VK group - https://vk.com/gorbunoff_group My page - https://vk.com/gorbunoff_tv #off-road #detour #mountain