The complete series is available at Lismio: https://lismio.app/de/series/359/mimi... Summary: Mimi Rutherfurt's neighbor is dead. The police quickly suspect suicide. But Mimi has doubts that the man, who had lived a secluded life, took his own life voluntarily. She takes on the matter herself and is met with little enthusiasm by Inspector Brewster. But Brewster soon realizes that Mr. Crawford's death is perhaps more mysterious than he initially wanted to admit. But was it murder? He also needs help from Mimi Rutherfurt. Lismio - The audiobook channel on YouTube: http://bit.ly/2fmpjMI Get the free audiobook Lismio app for Android (https://bit.ly/3mXtMXL) or iOS (http://apple.co/1OdakeB)!