With aubergines you have all eaten it at least once in your life... But artichokes? Let's leave aside my sister who doesn't eat either of them, Manolo and Joshua after this dish confided in me that they prefer this to the one with aubergines, in my opinion you should give it a chance too! Below you will find the link for my book????: https://www.amazon.it/Cucina-Ruben-Bo... Here instead you will find the ingredients to remake it at home: Baking tray for 4 people 5 artichokes 250g mozzarella 150g pecorino 150g parmesan 1lt tomato puree 1lt seed oil 250g breadcrumbs 150g flour 170ml water 2 cloves of garlic Mint to taste Basil to taste EVO oil to taste Salt to taste Pepper to taste AO! Don't forget to write me below what you want to see in the next recipe, DAJEE???? #chefruben #cucinaconruben #scorzadilimone #chetevoimagna