Gus Baha Gojlok Gus Kautsar to the Fullest in the Haul Masyayikh Ploso Kediri 1. Gus Baha's memories of the Ploso Islamic boarding school were because he often represented Al-Anwar in debates (batshul mashail) against the Ploso students. 2. In knowledge, it is permissible to fight anyone, including those who fight teachers or even fathers. Because knowledge will develop when there is dialectic, thesis antithesis and give birth to a new synthesis of knowledge. 3. Dialectic was even exemplified by Allah when he was about to take the life of Prophet Ibrahim. This dialectic of batshul mashail gave birth to new thoughts and knowledge. 4. The blessing of studying is even the one who studied Mbah Jazuli, who received the blessing of his harvest who was matched with the daughter of Mbah Hamid Baidhowi (ning jazil) is his son, namely Gus Kautsar. 5. Knowledge can be challenged with ijtihad based on references to previous books. So that knowledge needs to be fought. The fight uses ijtihad, and it can be obtained with batshul Mashail. 6. The chain of knowledge of the scholars of the Javanese waliyullah is very close to the sources of books and references of knowledge until the Prophet Muhammad SAW. 7. Is it permissible for scholars to accept money from gifts from wicked people? Yes, because if it is rejected, it could be that the money that was originally going to be given to the scholars, is actually used again to commit sins (costs for forbidden things). But if it is accepted, later there will be scholars who are tainted, because scholars are easy, just give money and it's done. 8. Al ulama warosatul anbiya: not only one prophet but there are various characters of prophets as well as scholars who are diverse. As Umar is like Prophet Noah, and as Abu Bakr is like Prophet Ibrahim. Sheikh Nawawi is like Prophet Yahya. 9. Gus Kautsar is an amateur Sufi wali, he can fight me as long as he is able. maybe that's all we can write down in this ngaji, hopefully it will be knowledge that is beneficial in this world and the hereafter, making Gus Baha's worship a blessed and blessed deed for all of us. Aamiin ???????????? #gusbaha #gusbahaterbaru #gusbahalive #livegusbaha #gusbahalucu #khbahauddinnursalim #ngajigusbaha #ngajinahdlatululama