With Alexandra Legendre, Head of Studies and Communication at the Ligue de Défense des Conducteurs, Dominique Stempfel, President of the Tire Union, Sylvain Reisser, Deputy Editor-in-Chief at Le Figaro, Florian Douady, Director of Communication at GS27 and Cédric Fréour, Automotive Journalist. --- Subscribe for more content: http://ow.ly/7FZy50G1rry ————————————————————————— ▶️ Follow the live broadcast: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x75... ???? Find our podcasts and articles: https://www.sudradio.fr/ ———————————————————————— ???? Follow us on social media ???? ▪️ Facebook: / sudradiooffi. . ▪️ Instagram: / sudradiooff. . ▪️ Twitter : / sudradio ▪️ TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@sudradio?lang=fr ———————————————————————— —————————————————————————— ☀️ And for more videos of On parle auto : • ???? On parle auto ##SUD_RADIO_ON_PARLE_AUTO-2024-12-21##