Aquarium fish algae eaters. In this video we will consider 7 types of fish that help in the fight against algae in a home aquarium. I hope this will help you choose an assistant for your aquarium! Timestamps: 00:41 - Ancistrus sp. 02:50 - Labeo 04:12 - Farlowella acus 05:19 - Siamese algae eater (SAE) 06:34 - Gyrinocheilus aymonieri 07:43 - Crossocheilus reticulatus 09:18 - Otocinclus sp. Our YouTube channel - / @zhivye_korma Our Rutube channel - https://rutube.ru/channel/995865/ Our Blog - https://aqua-tropica.ru/ Live food cultures and plants - https://aqa-shop.ru/ VK group - http://vk.com/aqa_korma_dlya_ryb Odnoklassniki group - https://ok.ru/group/58362154713266