Do you dream of getting into medicine at UFC, one of the best universities in the country? Do you want to know what the study routine of a student who achieved this feat was like? Then this video is for you! ???? Milena is a student who was accepted into medicine at UFC in the last ENEM. She will tell you about her preparation, her challenges, her strategies and her tips for those who want to follow the same path. Let's follow her story and find out how she achieved her goal! ???? You will learn: ???? How to put together an efficient and balanced study schedule ???? How to choose the best materials and courses to study for ENEM ???? How to stay motivated and disciplined in your studies ???? How to deal with anxiety and pressure during the exam Here at PodQuest, we discuss relevant topics for students who are seeking the long-awaited approval in the entrance exams and ENEM at the college of their dreams! You will find insights, advice and shared experiences for a more conscious academic journey. If you are a student, subscribe now so you don't miss the next videos! ???? ✨ If you are looking to pass the ENEM and college entrance exams, HOSPITAL QUESTIONA is the ideal method for you! Find out everything at https://metodoquestiona.com.br/ ✨ Follow me on social media for more content: ???? Subscribe to the channel: /metodoquestiona ???? Subscribe on Telegram: https://t.me/sarahschollmeiernews ???? Follow on TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSCF9nMo/ ???? Listen to my podcasts with ENEM tips: https://anchor.fm/sarah-schollmeier Let's work together until you pass! ???? #analisandoestudo #MétodoQuestiona #vestibular #enem #HospitalQuestiona