Provided by: New open world ARPG "Narushio" ▼Download https://wuwa.kurogames-global.com/3M3... ▼Official "Narushio" SNS hereX: / ww_jp_official YouTube: / @wutheringwaves3352 Discord: / discord Line: https://page.line.me/?accountId=786xfrxl TikTok: / wutheringwavesjp ▼Starring Hanae Natsuki Mintos ▼Requests when watching the stream・Please refrain from excessive interaction in the comments・Please refrain from talking about topics unrelated to the live stream or people who are not there・Please refrain from posting the same comments repeatedly・Promoting other channels or videos is strictly prohibited・We would appreciate it if you would only make comments that contain game spoilers or induce actions if requested by the streamer! ・Also, if there are people who have unknowingly broken the above rules, please comment kindly without being overly critical m(_ _)m