If you have any other questions, feel free to ask in the comments! The site where PhD salaries are shared: phdstipends.com To compare living expenses between cities in the US: https://www.nerdwallet.com/cost-of-li... 0:00 Required documents and important dates 4:10 Application process in the US and Europe 6:14 Letter of intent 13:20 Scholarships, salaries, and financial requirements 31:44 GRE and GPA 38:12 Is there a salary for the summer in the US? 41:03 First doing a master's, then a doctorate 43:32 The field selection process in undergraduate studies 49:50 Can a PhD be done in another field with a physics degree? 53:07 The application process, time management, and emailing with professors 1:03:54 Erasmus and external references