Contents: 0:00 - Foreword 4:01 - Preparing the application 9:54 - Filling out the application 18:15 - Response from the authorities 20:07 - Receiving permission under Section 27 Displaying fireworks with a 27: • Registering fireworks with a Section 27 permit... Storage of fireworks: • Storage of fireworks... My conclusion on the 27: • Pros & Cons Conclusion on the 27 Permit... Application as a PDF: https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/track?... Legal basis: https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/sp... Application in BW: https://www.service-bw.de/zufi/leistu... Helpful collection of laws on the subject of permission under Section 27 of the Explosives Act: https://shop.roeder-feuerwerk.de/medi... Thanks for watching! I look forward to likes, subscriptions and comments! Order fireworks online now and support me by ordering via my links❤️: 💥Röder Fireworks: https://shop.roeder-feuerwerk.de/?sPa... 💥Pyroweb: https://www.pyroweb.de/?WebID=2466&Ju... 💥Pyroland: https://www.pyroland.de/?ref=588 [Note: The above links are affiliate links, i.e. if an order is placed via these links and all requirements are met, I receive a commission.] Pyrozündler on Instagram: / pyrozuendler Song: Pyrogesellschaft - Highspeedfireworks & Knalltrauma Fireworks This video was created 100% legally. All items shown were purchased, stored and used legally. All items shown continue to be stored and used legally if necessary. If necessary, the necessary permits are available. This video and channel advises against illegal activities of any kind.