The best anti-aging and drainage facial massage by secrets and colors, Miriam Llantada. 1- If you have any QUESTIONS about my massages, in this video I will answer them all: • FACIAL MASSAGE Questions and answers ... 2- PLAYLIST OF MY FACIAL MASSAGES If you want to alternate with my other massages for lips, double chin, eyes, here is the playlist, they are all very effective • FACIAL MASSAGES 3- FACIAL OILS FOR EVERY SKIN TYPE • Affordable facial oils, Miri... New 5-minute massage video for when we don't have time: • 5-Minute Reducing Facial Massage b... My facial routine • My morning facial routine (Winter) ... Facial massage is key to maintaining youthful skin and rejuvenating it. I also use lymphatic drainage techniques to help us reduce skin swelling and eliminate toxins. In various countries around the world there are different types of massage with an underlying philosophy, which generally speaks of seeking balance between mind, body and energy. Shiatsu or Kobido massage in Japan, Ayurvedic massage in India, Tibetan massage, etc., etc. This is the massage that works for me, it may not work for you, and above all if you have doubts about whether to do it, always ask your dermatologist or aesthetic doctor, since the skin must be healthy to receive a massage. If you notice any lump or irritation on the skin, go to your doctor first before doing it. Also, as I always say, listen to your skin and common sense is essential in this, if you have intense pain or irritation, stop doing it. If you are pregnant, it is not recommended to do any type of massage during the first 4 months of pregnancy, nor to use essential oils during the entire pregnancy. Always consult with your doctor and specialist. Email: [email protected] Subscribe and follow me on my blog and social networks: blog: http://www.secretsandcolors.com Youtube: / secretsandcolors Facebook: / secretsandcolors Google+: http://plus.google.com/+MiriamLlantad... Instagram: / secretsandcolors Video of Secrets and Colors by Miriam Llantada About my channel: Secrets and Colors is a channel focused on you. Full of art, creation and very different information about beauty, fashion, makeup and hairstyles, with which you will get all the tricks to feel great and bring out the best in you. About my channel: With my videos regarding beauty, makeup, and hair style advices, you will get all the advices and tricks to the latest fashion trends. Disclaimer: My facial massages are for people with healthy skin. If you have any type of disease, consult your specialist. All the products and treatments I talk about in my videos are products that I have tried and they work well for me, but I cannot guarantee that the same will happen with the rest of the people. As far as possible, I recommend that you try the products before buying them to avoid allergies. At secrets & Colors we constantly receive products that are sent to us by various cosmetic and fashion houses, etc. All the products I talk about in my videos are products that I really like and I think they are recommendable. If you have come this far, you are a very aple follower, leave a comment that says: Hakuna Matata! ;) hehe #facialmassage #facialmassagemiriamllantada #facialroutine