Financial Superintendency / Superintendency of the Solidarity Economy / Superintendency of Family Subsidy / National Health Superintendency / Superintendency of Industry and Commerce / Superintendency of Companies / Superintendency of Private Surveillance and Security / Superintendency of Notary and Registry / Superintendency of Transportation. Series of tutorial videos, where we study in depth everything related to Law 1437 and its amendments, generating high-quality content to deepen the study, and ideal material for merit competitions of any type of institution. #publicservices super intendency, #colombia #petro #president #governmentofchange #law #mayors #2023 #dian #legaladvice #publiccompetitions #cnsc #governors. #publicofficial #contractor #authorities #publiccontests #president #mayors #council #councilors #judicial #executive #legislative #petro #publicservices #law #1437 of 2011 #administrative #law #petition #petitions #administrativeact #information #consultations #states #governorship #mayoralty #municipalcouncil #senate #nationalcivilservicecommission #Dian #colombia #contests #merit #administrativecareer #publicfunction #cnsc #jobs Law 1437 of 2011 , Administrative Law , Petition , Administrative Act , Information , Consultation , State , Governorate , Mayor's Office , Council , Senate , National Civil Service Commission , Dian , Contest , Merit , Administrative career , Civil Function , CNSC , jobs, authority, anti-legal damage, notifications, communications, publications, citations, firmness of the administrative act, enforceability, notice, court, edict, parties, administrative silence, appeal, appeal, complaint, direct revocation, enforceability, executive, jurisprudence, petition, jurisprudential extension, unification sentences, judge, administrative judges, administrative magistrates, council of state, administrative courts, consultation room and civil service, coercive administrative collection, direct revocation, mayors, councilors, deputies, governors. Video developed by DEAN MARTIN BARROS FERNANDEZ. Lawyer specialized in Constitutional, Administrative and Tax Law. CHAPTERS: 00:00 INTRO 02:24 ARTICLE 1 Purpose of the first part. 05:32 ARTICLE 2 Scope of application. 11:17 ARTICLE 3 Principles. 38:49 ARTICLE 4 Ways to initiate administrative proceedings. 47:20 ARTICLE 5 Rights of individuals before the authorities. 54:41 ARTICLE 6 Duties of individuals. 57:12 ARTICLE 7 Duties of authorities in serving the public. 1:02:32 ARTICLE 8 Duty to inform the public. 1:08:12 ARTICLE 9 Prohibitions. 1:16:01 ARTICLE 10 Duty to uniformly apply rules and jurisprudence. 1:18:00 ARTICLE 11 Conflicts of interest and grounds for impediment and recusal. 1:34:08 ARTICLE 12 Processing of impediments and recusals.