AIDEA book is out!!! https://aidea-knjiga.com/ ======================================= ===== In episode 121, my guest was Zoran Železnikar, publicist and writer. By education, he has a master's degree in electrical engineering, who started researching space, life and himself already in the 1990s. So far, he has summarized his findings in five books - Planet of Fear, Đelko je věch, Slovenian path to the future, Path to vibrant masculinity and The Overlooked Mission of Sexuality. ============================================= In the episode we touch on the following topics: 00:00:00 – A set of ideas as an answer to everything 00:05:21 – Steiner's ideas 00:15:42 – Open thinking and the meaning of life 00:20:37 – Spiritual gifts within us 00:24:55 – Or is mortality real? 00:35:13 - The 3D world and the level of awareness 00:47:03 - Materiality and the creation of the universe 00:57:21 - Human development from the very beginning 01:14:38 - Why do we believe in something? 01:29:04 – It's not true, but it is 02:13:56 – Flood of information, evidence and explanations 02:21:07 – The fate of human civilization 02:32:52 – Message from the guest ======== ==================================== Mentioned in the episode: Dr. Rudolf Steiner https://g.co/kgs/3YQMwi Kirlian photography https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirlian... Etheric body https://duhovnost.eu/etersko-telo/ Astral body https:/ /duhovnost.eu/slovar/astralno-... Rudolf Steiner: How to judge knowledge of the higher worlds https://ajda-vrzdenec-zalozba.si/izde... Rudolf Steiner: Secret Science https://buca.si/knjigarna /druzboslovj... Law of Karma https://www.robertzupancic.si/zakon-k... Panpsychism https://www.wholecelium.com/sl/blog/p... Zoran Železnikar: Man is more https: //emka.si/products/clovek-je-vec-1 Journalist Ivona Živković https://ivonazivkovic.blogspot.com/ Etymology https://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Etimolo... Klaus Schwab https:/ /en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klaus_S... Nikola Tesla's car powered by atmospheric electricity http://avto-sport.net/pravi-tesla-avto/ Military-industrial complex https://bs.wikipedia. org/wiki/Vojno-i... Erich von Däniken: Chariots of the Gods https://g.co/kgs/K4tdLt Mahabharata https://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahabha... ==== ========================================= Sign up for the newsletter and receive 5 every Friday links that the creators of the Dialog and RE:MOAT podcasts choose that week (books, documentaries, articles, podcast episodes...). https://aidea.si/aidea-mailing-lista ==================================== ======== AIDEA Podcast Talks about consciousness, the universe, our culture, technology and the future of humanity... Talks about ideas. Hosted by Klemen Selakovič Website: https://aidea.si Facebook: / aideapodkast Instagram: / aidea_podkast Tik Tok: / klemenselakovic ======================== ===================== Audio recordings (podcast) on: Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2UvG7oQ Google Podcasts: https://bit.ly /2kwj2T2 Castbox: https://bit.ly/2nFqY5O Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1LclKEa... =================== ========================== Montage and animations: Luka Macek / luka.macek #podkast #aidea