Antenna. What is an antenna? There are amateur radio antennas, antennas for receivers, TVs, routers, mobile phones and others. An antenna can be either a short wire or a complex engineering structure. But it all starts with something simple. This film is an introduction to the world of antennas. How the simplest antennas are arranged: dipole and ground plane. What the antenna dimensions should be, how to properly power the antenna, at what height to hang it, what types of antennas there are. You will learn about this from this film. But the film, as usual, is not boring formulas, but a lively story not only about the physics of antennas, but also about the life of shortwave radio amateurs. This film tells about a collective radio station, about risky repair of the antenna rotary device and even a little about history. Amateur radio communication is unthinkable without antennas: double square, yagi, broadband antennas and many others. And in between, funny, stupid lyrical digressions from the lives of not very smart people, that is, fools. Support the channel - https://boosty.to/ensemb #radio #antenna