In this video I honestly answer all your tricky questions and even more. I decided to add some details on my own to be extremely sincere and honest with you. I don't have a goal to seem perfect or something like that to you. I want you to see me as I really am. With all my shortcomings and weaknesses. I hope you enjoy my short story about myself. ➤ Vlog about my Sherwood jumper: • Knitting a Jumper of My Own Design, Pu... ➤ My favorite modern designer: @kutovakika ???? Join our awesome Telegram chat by subscribing to Boosty: https://boosty.to/snyalpaki/purchase/... ???? Send a donation for a MUUD bag: https://boosty.to/snyalpaki/single-pa... ???? Become my Sponsor on YouTube and also get access to the Telegram chat (for those who do NOT live in Russia): / @sny_alpaki