In the distant future, humanity, united in a single empire, is actively exploring the Solar System. But the basis of the empire's power and the powerful imperial family - the mysterious mineral ankelium, which has incredible properties - is mined only on other planets in the system and with incredible effort. After a mysterious release from a solitary confinement cell and a clash with aliens on the navigation deck, former special forces soldier Dams, together with the overseer who miraculously survived the assault on the ship, is looking for a way out of the current situation and is trying to break through to the part of the ship that has not yet been captured by aliens ***** Part One: • Ankelium: Rebel. Part One fa... Part Two: • Ankelium: Rebel. Part Two fa... Part Three: • Ankelium: Rebel. Part Three fa... ***** I've long wanted to try myself in the genre of classical space opera. Listen to the continuation of my experiment, and I'll try not to delay the next parts!