Congratulations and Success for the Implementation of the 2022 Jember Kapolres Cup National Table Tennis Tournament. General Champion of the 2022 Kapolres Cup General Division 1. Andre Garut (Victory) 2. Habibi (Bhineka) 3. Vijay (Smanor) and Jack Donald (Bhineka) Champion of Division 4 of the 2022 Jember Kapolres Cup 1. Komang (Karunia AHC) 2. Mulyadi Bintik (Artindo) 3. Rully (Bhineka) and Mahfud (Situbondo) Champion of Division 8 of the 2022 Jember Kapolrea Cup 1. Jevin (Anugerah) 2. Junaidi (Tanjung Lumajang) 3. Anton (Bhineka) and Handy (Pelangi jaya) Thank you to the Tournament Committee NB: The tournament can be watched on @Air Harum Channel https://tokopedia.link/hs57yqfVWKb