General test of update 1.27.1: New branch of British heavy tanks Frontline Onslaught Acceleration of loading 3D objects (ugh) Rebalancing of equipment Battle evaluation The best help to a streamer is activity on the channel and a kind word in the chat. Hi, my name is Sergey and I am an alcoholic... streamer. We mostly play World of Tanks (World of Tanks), there will be no ultra-pot or fierce skill here, we play for fun. We do not take three marks on tanks, because we do not have enough skill (the streamer is cancer and all that). On the channel, the games are divided into playlists. The streamer does not want to offend anyone and does not like aggression in the chat, be kinder and the world will become a better place. Channel on trovo https://trovo.live/altodar Channel on twitch / altodargaming telegram https://t.me/altodarstream #altodar #wot #worldoftanks #миртанков