The 2023 Andramaixei were kicked off with a txupinazo; this year, the honor of blowing the txupinazo was given to three members of the Azkoitiko Tamborrada: Justino Sasieta, Ana Etxaniz and Xanti Artetxe; the tamborrada has celebrated its 75th anniversary, since the first tamborrada in Azkoitiko was held on August 14, 1948. In the afternoon, after the Salve, a special tamborrada was held to commemorate these 75 years and the historical tamborrada associations Umore Ona and Beti Poz were honored. Video of the 75th Anniversary Drum Special (Erlo Telebista - GUKA): http://www.erlotelebista.eus/azken-be... NEWS: Maxixatzen: https://maxixatzen.eus/azkoitia/16920... Maxixatzen: https://maxixatzen.eus/azkoitia/16920... Maxixatzen: https://maxixatzen.eus/azkoitia/16920... Maxixatzen: https://maxixatzen.eus/azkoitia/16920... Maxixatzen: https://maxixatzen.eus/azkoitia/16909... Maxixatzen: https://maxixatzen.eus/azkoitia/16909... Maxixatzen: https://maxixatzen.eus/azkoitia/16917... Azkoitia City Council: https://azkoitia.eus/berriak/11425-fe... Azkoitia City Council: https://azkoitia.eus/berriak/11427-sa... SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram: https://instagram.com/festak.yt?igshi... Twitter: / festak_yt Subscribe to the channel (Festak.YouTube) to stay up to date with more videos from festivals and other celebrations: / festakyt ANDRAMAIXEK 2023 #Azkoitia #Danborrada 2023/08/14