Title: Rare Love Padane Artist: Winda AP One Copyright: Adung Yaman / Tini Arr: Adung Yaman Joint Project: ANDI PUTRA ONE Official Song Lyrics: Ati Lara Nahan Rindu Ora Endure the Feeling of Love Sing Sincerely Kanggo Kakang Message Whatsaap e Wis Di Buka Sing Sampean Gawe Ati Kula Lara Because Kakange Chooses Wong Lian Mung Can Surrender Ning Gusti Kang Almighty Reff: Kakang Sun Demen Sun Misses Like Flowers Sing Again Blooming Blossoms Like Love Sing Laka Padane But Kakang Nugel Atine Kula Kula Nrima Is Sincerely Willing Kakange To Leave Kula. ANDI PUTRA ONE Official Don't forget to subscribe, like, comment and share. Address of Bongas Pentil Village, Indramayu. Contact Person: AP Office / Team 083130629860 082321219222 You can share it freely as you like. For APMs, please help share it, guys. Thank you.