The guest of the 7th episode of Bandstage is Anatol Melnic. He is a radio and television personality, popularly called - "The King of Pranks in the Republic of Moldova". Known for his unique pranks made following requests from people's calls and messages in live broadcasts. There is no person in this country who does not know the pranks: "LENutza -3 MINute!?, APA comes SAMOteok, EU pentru GALEA ushid Omu, DanOiela, Oleg, Doina karoce etc... offering the highest radio rating in the country at that time. He talks openly about his childhood. His teacher parents, his passion for fried eggs, the cauldrons filled with "YUPI" and the village disco. Anatol is indignant and irritated about the LIVEs on TikTok in Moldova. At one point, he deleted his daughter Kamelia's account. What he would most like to see happen in his life is to attend his daughter's wedding and spend his old age with his beloved wife. 🔔 Subscribe @ bandstage on YouTube ➡ https://youtube.com/c/bandstage?sub_c... 🎙 Stream Audio: Anchor by Spotify: https://anchor.fm/bandstage 📲 BANDSTAGE Online: Facebook: / bandstagelive Instagram: / bandstagelive TikTok: / bandstage 📲 Slayk Online: Facebook: / slaykofficial 📲 Anatol Melnic Online: Facebook: / anatolie.melnic Instagram: / anatoliemelnic TikTok: / anatoliemelnic YouTube: / anatolmelnicxti Soulmates who support us 👇 🍔 TIK TOK BURGER: Facebook: / tiktokburgerorhei Instagram: / tiktok_burger_orhei TikTok: / tiktokburgerorhei ☕️ COFFEE2GO: Facebook: / coffee2goorhei Instagram: / coffee2go.orhei 💅🏻 BEAUTY BY VICTORIA: Facebook: / beauty-by-victoria-1547407112167381 Instagram: / beauty_by_victoria_orhei 👘 STATUS – Men's Clothing: Facebook: / status.haine Instagram: / status_unic TikTok: / status_unik 🍩 D'AMORE BAKERY - Orhei Facebook: / damore-bakery-109326123891540 Instagram: / damore_bakery 📸 LUCHIAN PHOTOGRAPHER: Instagram: / luchian.photographer We support sports in the Republic of Moldova 👇 👊 CLUB MAXIMUS - ORHEI Facebook: / clubmaximus.md ❌ The use of the video material "BANDSTAGE" is allowed with the mention of the source, the name of the author and the inclusion of the link to the video content. ❌ All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws. To avoid copyright infringement, please do not upload this content to your channel. BANDSTAGE © & Ⓟ 2022 #AnatolMelnic #BANDSTAGE #7Podcast