An Orphan Child Sold for 30 Cents: And No One Knows That This Child Is a Real Treasure Movie Summary The story of the film tells the story of the adventures of the child Remy, the orphan who was raised by the kind Mrs. Barberine. When she was ten years old, they took him from his adoptive mother and handed him over to a man named Vitalis, a musician who works in the street and has a mysterious personality. Since then, Remy began to learn the hard life of an acrobat, and he used to sing to be able to earn his living. During his long journey in France, he was accompanied by the loyal dog Cappy, and the little monkey Lovely Heart, and this made him meet new people, make friends, and help and be helped. In the end, this journey led him to learn the secret of his origin. ------------------------ Movie Narrator #Movie_Summary #Movie_Summary #Movie_Summaries #Movie_Summary #Movie_Story *************** Movie Narrator, Movie Summary, Orphan Child, Movie Summary, Movie, Movies, Movie Summaries, Movie Summary, Movie Review, Adventures of the Child, Remi Movie Summary, Nobody's Boy, Remi Nobody's Boy Summary, Hard Life, Movie Story, Remi Movie, Orphan Child Sold for 30 Cents, Movie Summaries, Remi Summary, Movie Summary, Movie Summaries, Remi Movie Summary, Remi Story, Movie Review, Adventure Summaries, Movie Summaries, Movie Analysis, Summary, Movies, Cappy the Dog, Singing for a Living, Movie Summaries, Journey in France, Making Friends, Secret of Origin