Avai 011: Shamila Habibi, a medical student at Fasa Medical School, will come to Harvard University for a research position in the field of allergy and immunology after completing the course of general medicine. During this course, he prepares for the interviews of the specialist assistant in the field of internal medicine and succeeds in completing his residency in the same field at the Eisenhower Center in 2021. Shamila has recently started the blood and cancer fellowship course at the University of Irvine. *: Eisenhower Health Internal Medicine Residency Program, Palm Springs, CA Footnote 1: The purpose of these conversations is to portray that no one's path is as orderly and linear as it seems from the outside. Footnote 2: This is just one person's experience and cannot be generalized. #محجرت #اواحاي_محجرت #life_experience #doctor #researcher #America #post_doc #postdoctoral #lifestyle #internal #Match #USMLE #IMG #Postdoc_position #Research_position #USA #Echoes_of_Immigration #Match #Residency_program #Interview #Recommendaiton_letter #International_medical_Graduate #Internal_Medicine