Today I will show how in the Kyiv region, the Alta Agrofirm carries out post-harvest sowing of cover crops after harvesting grain. The farm has been working without plowing for 32 years, and this year, director Vasyl Mykolayovych decided to purchase 3 Kolisnytsia KD-360 disk cultivators of Ukrainian production for sowing. New seeding units from SZ seeders were installed in front of the unit, and a mixture of sunflower, soybean, barley and radish is sown to a depth of up to 5 cm. and this is despite the fact that the farm has an entire fleet of imported equipment. The earth does not tolerate emptiness! Also, the root system improves the structure of the soil by loosening it naturally. That is why the farm has abandoned plowing and practices post-harvest sowing. More information about the Kolisnytsia KD-360 Disk Cultivator can be found from the manufacturer, Torgovy Dim Diapazon LLC: tel. +38 050 693 7727 068 277 00 77 095 362 41 89 00:00 announcement 00:53 introduction 01:47 improvement of Kolisnytsia 04:25 seeder for cover crops 06:27 purpose of Kolisnytsia 07:37 fallow seedlings Kolisnytsia vs. Disks 09:16 overview of sowing cover crops 10:48 why cover crops 13:14 herbicide vs. Kolisnytsia 15:20 why three Disk Cultivators 17:27 peat application 19:11 about grain 20:30 crop rotation 22:06 technology of sowing green manure 24:57 sowing rolling 27:40 unit productivity 29:04 performance indicators 29:22 why they don't plow 32 years 31:38 Ovsinsky's technology 32:27 why Kolisnytsia? 34:56 sowing rye 36:32 cutting stubble 38:21 choosing a predecessor for better soil structure 43:20 what can be sown? == [✓] SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL / sergiilegostaev [✓] Facebook community: / agrovision.ua [✓] Telegram channel: https://t.me/agrovision [✓] Instagram / sergiilegostaev ⇒ Get Letyshops Cashback for online purchases and 50 UAH. with your first purchase https://letyshops.com/ua/winwin?ww=41... #chariot #grain #SergiiLegostaev #AgroceProsto #agrobusiness #farming #farming #mtz