Huge supply of houseplants! You will find sansevierias, aglaonemas, scindapsus, hoyas, including the captivating latifolia ????, philodenrona painted lady ???? or lepismium bolivianum (in two sizes!) ????. Among the outdoor plants, the blooming ones reign supreme - anemones ????, asters, hibiscuses ???? and hydrangeas, but also pay attention to the lime perukovum ????. On the other hand, autumn is slowly starting to creep into the interior - we have yellow vases, orange plant pots and red vases ???? Enjoy the session ???? ???? Enter the online store today: https://www.florapoint.pl/ ????Visit the stationary store: ul. Mrówcza 212, Warsaw, https://maps.app.goo.gl/z9jpWernNXHDq... Have you been to our social media? ???? Our Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/florapoint_... ???? Our Facebook: / florapoint